Monday, September 10, 2012

On My Mind...

{First day of my Senior Year in high school!}|{Hanging out at Sister-In-Laws}|{Psych}|{Bonfires with the family}|{Kittycats}|{Bananagrams}

{Rain}|{Tornado Sirens}|{weirdest Friday ever}
{looking forward to starting some sewing projects}|{Sci-fi}

{excited about bestie's trip down in a few weeks. ^_^}|{THIS MOVIE HAS ALIENS!!! *yussss*}|{pretty slow week over all}


Something Noni said in her post today got me thinkin'.
she said "I feel like I'm waiting for life to happen most days." And my first thought was, "I absolutely sympathize with that." then I got thinkin', "I wonder how many people feel that way, and spend their whole life just waiting on life to happen and miss what's going on right in front of them?"
and...I don't wanna miss right now. I want to cherish where God has me right now and grow with every trial and experience. I've always had a hard time with being patient for things. and I know I need to be patient with life. I have sooo many dreams and hopes for my life eventually, but if those are God's will. He will work them out! For now, I need to leave it to Him and live right now. Where he has me. And *let* life happen, instead of being impatient for it. 

{James 4:14-For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time, then vanisheth away.(KJV)} 

Don't rush life. It'll go by faster than you think. It's good to dream and have hopes and to look forward to your future, but don't waste too much of your life waiting for it. Trust God, Cherish the time He's given you. 
I'm not usually deep or preachy on here...I'm not very good at it. But those are my thoughts and feelings right now. <3 I hope it made sense to you. Any of you. :) 

Love you guys. 



  1. Oh my word, I love this!! That was great, Rachel! Thank you for posting!! <3

  2. Oh so much to say!
    1. Congrats on your first day of senior year and good luck! :) I hope its awesome.
    2. Bonfires<3 Sounds amazing.
    3. I totally agree. its one of my mottos. Ever since i had my first seizure which was when i was 16 yr old and woke up inside an ambulance, ive been keeping the thought that life is short and forever may be shorter than you think always in the back of my head. Because the thing is that lfie does take us by surprise and we don't have forever to hold on to the things we have including life itself. So we should appreciate it. live it. And thank God for it. And live it for Him while we can. Beautiful post! I completely agree. :)

    1. 1. Thanks! I hope so too.
      2. yes, it was amazing. :) And it totally made me feel even readier for cold weather! lol.
      3. <3 <3 <3 thank you. ^_^

  3. This was incredible. That is exactly what I believe. Stop waiting and start living!!!! :D This was an awesome post and I love you to death. <3 <3 <3


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