Tuesday, August 16, 2011

thunderstormish weather...

I absolutely love rainy thunderstorm threatening days!! ^_^ It is kinda dark outside with quiet thunder every once in a while, the wind is blowing the trees, every now and then you can feel a raindrop and everything is lovely. This kind of weather always puts me in the mood for walks. And playing my guitar. :) lol. I love to play my guitar outside in this kind of weather. Maybe that is odd but it just sounds so awesome with the trees and thunder!  I just got in from a walk and now I am sitting here chillin' with a cup of coffee. <3
Anyways, later today is Gavie's birthday party!! I can't believe he is going to be a whole year old tomorrow!!! :o <3 <3 He is getting so big! <3 <3 Tomorrow is Jason's birthday as well!! :D We are having a birthday party for both of them next Sunday.
I'm gonna upload some pix from my walk this morning, then I need to hop it so that I can take care of Ethan while mom is gone. ^_^ <3 <3 <3 luvluv!! <3

<3 <3 <3

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