Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Check. This. Out!!!!! This is so amazing! It is a fantastic reminder of the greatness and amazing majesty of our God! 


My sister lent us the DVD And I watched that today and I could watch it over and over! It gives me goose bumps. <3 My favorite quote from Louie is "There is a cross in history where the Star-Breather became the Sin Bearer. Where the Universe Maker became Mankinds Salvation." Isn't that beautiful?
I really hope you watch that video. It is long, But It's worth it. <3

On another note, I am eating a pecan/cranberry pancake for dinner. Yuuuuummm.....Not a box or mix pancake either. My mom's homemade from scratch whole-wheat pancakes. I am not usually a fan, but when they are loaded up with delicious goodies and topped with powdered sugar and cinnamon, They are absolutely lovely. ^_^
You know what I love? Warm days in January. It was so warm out today. It was amazing. Me and Ethan were on the tire swing for about 30 minutes while he told me all about Bears and squirrels eating acorns and burrying them in the woods. And he was sure that bears lived across the fence in the neighbors woods. When I told him about bears hibernating all through winter he was kind of confused but I think he loved the idea of curling up in a cave or den with a leaf blanket. lol. <3 He's a doll.
Also, -->This<-- Is what I wanna do.
I better go. Dad is really wanting the computer. :D lol. <3 I hope you can watch that video! It really is amazing. <3
P.S. I almost didn't post this because I look so dang stupid in it. But maybe I could stand to be a little less self-consious. ;) <3 This is me and TabbyCat being ninjas on the trampoline. :D <3 I hope you get a laugh outta this ridiculous picture!! xD

1 comment:

  1. I love Louie Giglio!! I've seen a couple of his videos. They always put God into a better perspective. (: We have been having some really warm days too, and I absolutely love it! It makes me want to live in the south! haha


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