
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Because happies!


Sorry for the last post. *ahem* depression moment. I don't usually let those leak onto my blog, but oh well. :) 

I'm past it. :)) and I love you guys! ^_^ 

And guess what?! New Year's Eve, right?!? Omg! Who has plans for tonight? *rasies hand* yep. I love this holiday. :)) 

2014. Starting over. New year. I'm starting it out with a few things less than I had last year, but with sooo much more in general. And hey, the things I've lost are gone for a reason, right?! No use fussing about them. :)) ^_^ 

I'm starting out this year happy and optimistic. Not because I've chosen to, but because that's how I genuinely feel! I thought it was gonna be a sucky start, but oh well. God is good. ;) :)) 

Looking forward to 2014. :D 



  1. Good perspective, Rachel! God is unchanging, regardless of who or what comes and goes! Love you! <3

  2. Love you, darling dear!! Can't wait to see what 2014 holds for all of us!! <3 <3 Keep looking ahead and loving life!!

  3. Knowing God is always a reason to be happy. Happy late New Year!

  4. Aw, I'm glad you're doing better. It's sad to be depressed.
    We watched Agents of SHIELD until midnight and then went to bed. Yep. We're


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